Benefit of Grapes

°Adejuwon Esther Oluwatomisin

•Grapes are very rich in potassium: As we know, for heart health, it is recommended to reduce the amount of sodium in the daily diet, that is, dietary salt and increase the amount of potassium. 

•This berry contains resveratrol: This is a compound that has a positive effect on the tone of the venous walls and helps stop varicose veins. You can simply buy dark blue grapes for this purpose. These grapes are good for the kidneys and cardiovascular system and contain a lot of iron salts.

•The acids found in dark grapes reduce the acidity of urine and have a positive effect on our well-being. This is why grapes are also useful if you are prone to kidney stones.

#Health4ALL Initiative

~Promoting Healthy Living


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